International Analysis, Op-Ed Contributors, Opinion

End the War on Drugs

By Professor Michael Cox and Dr John Collins
The Mark News

Dr John Collins is Executive Director of the LSE IDEAS International Drug Policy Project
Dr John Collins is Executive Director of the LSE IDEAS International Drug Policy Project

Few question that the ‘war on drugs’ has been costly and ineffective. Inappropriate policies resulting from the war have destroyed countless lives, incarcerated millions of people, fuelled HIV and Hepatitis C epidemics, kept countless other millions from accessing essential pain medicines, and created unfathomable levels of violence and destabilisation around the world. The question now is not whether to end the ‘war on drugs’, but what to replace it with.

In a new report entitled After the Drug Wars, we and our colleagues at the London School of Economics (LSE) propose a new global framework: end the ‘war on drugs’ and redirect its considerable resources to supporting the existing U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) program, which aims to reduce poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. We believe that the current strategies have not worked, and that ‘development-first, drug-control-second’ policies will yield the best results, a view endorsed by five Nobel Prize winners, a plethora of internationally renowned academics, and the President of Colombia.

Take the case of Colombia. At a recent conference in Bogota, President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia said, ‘it is time for the world to recognize that the fight against drugs enacted 40 years ago has not been won and that’s because we are doing something wrong’. Colombia would know. They have fought this long and desperate war, at a dreadful cost to their political structures, security services and population. Now that Colombia is on the verge of an historic peace agreement to end the decades-long conflict between the government and left-wing FARC rebels, it also has the opportunity to move beyond the failed strategies of the drug war.

Our plan presents a path to drug peace: move beyond a singular focus on eradication and repression, towards policies grounded in political and socioeconomic integration. In Colombia, 300,000 people (65,000 households) rely on the illicit trade for their livelihood. The root causes of this reliance are often the same issues addressed by development efforts: chronic poverty and protracted states of insecurity. Address these issues and the drug supply problem becomes far easier to solve.

Contrarily, hard line criminal justice and militarised approaches will only exacerbate the problem. Untargeted policing strategies, such as ‘stop and search’ methods, have a disproportionate negative effect on minority ethnic groups and low-level members of the illicit drug market. As decades of experience show, sending in the military to eradicate crops in regions outside the control of the central government, where there is no alternative economic infrastructure for affected households, simply won’t work. These approaches alienate entire communities and regions, and spark unrest that could set back the struggle for peace by decades or more.

On the consumption side of the ledger, we need treatment services instead of trying to criminalise all people who use drugs. Unsafe injection practices contribute more than 30% of all new positive HIV cases outside of Sub-Saharan Africa. The public health benefits of services such as syringe exchange or Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST) cannot be overstated. The right set of policies will be discovered through innovative scientific experimentation, and enforced through strict legal regulation. Uruguay, for example, has depenalised marijuana use and possession, and implemented a system of growers’ clubs and a state-controlled marijuana dispensary regime. Many other countries look set to follow.

In April of this year, UN member states will meet at for the first UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs since 1998. At the last meeting the international community committed to achieving a ‘drug free world’. This time it can move into the post ‘war on drugs’ era by affirming a sustainable development approach to drug policy. It can reject the blind pursuit of prohibition and repression in favour of new, rigorously evaluated health, development and human rights based policies that work. That is a clear map leading out of the current global drug war quagmire.

Professor Michael Cox is Director of LSE IDEAS
Dr. John Collins is Executive Director of the LSE IDEAS International Drug Policy Project


  1. PL in Canada

    I disagree completely with this point of view. Discipline and fighting drug cartels until they are eliminated is the only means a state has on its survival and this activity is a threats to their authority, period. Demand or consumption demand is not the source countries area of concern. These drug traffickers will always test the resolve of the State until the end of time…but a State must not loose this fight. The problem will shrink with resolve. Human nature will always be full of vice and illicit use of drugs, but the supply must be eliminated, period. The basis of this article is to softly excuse the problem of the source and to treat the consumer demand and ignore the murder and pillage the cartels are causing in the source country. We are not ignorant to the fact of the political pressures the source country imparts on the America for financial help in fighting these cartels….this has become a political industry in itself, not to mention the corruption that ensues from the influx of billions of US dollars. Increasing the economic life of those 65,000 households are important but I don’t believe that this would stop money from flowing from this cash crop. Corruption from the cartel billions is competing with the billions for eradication on the other side. This is a classic sign of graft without a doubt. A strong hand must be employed. The other outcome is unthinkable.

  2. Oscar Vidal-Calvet

    When you say:
    “The root causes of this reliance are often the same issues addressed by development efforts: chronic poverty and protracted states of insecurity. Address these issues and the drug supply problem becomes far easier to solve”.

    I wonder if all resources invested on manpower and budgets to fight drugs and all sort of institutions created with the same purpose, were translated to an amount of money and had been used to educate thousands of people, to provide for health to entire villages or towns, for job creation or housing . . . would we have this current problem?

    Let’s think about,

  3. Legalization and decriminalization. Like alcohol. Prohibition does not work. PERIOD. Then the black market disappears.

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